Employee Benefits Compliance

Compliance Concept — Omaha, NE — Swartzbaugh Farber & Associates, Inc.

Compliance Webinars

Stay up-to-date on the latest compliance requirements with the UBA Employer Webinar Series. These monthly, hour-long sessions hosted by labor law firm Fisher & Phillips cover the top employer-related compliance issues and help your company remain compliant with the latest benefits law.

Compliance Alerts

Learn about major changes to labor laws when they happen with the UBA Compliance Alerts. These email alerts, crafted by labor law firm Fisher & Phillips, inform you of changes to labor and benefits law and let you know what you need to do immediately to remain compliant.

Legislative & Regulatory Reporting

Over the last few years, we witnessed significant changes to employee benefit regulations and have seen an increase in the number of employer plans being audited for compliance under these regulations.

Swartzbaugh-Farber is committed to complying with government requirements, which is critical to providing a successful employee benefits program. Through our collective resources as a member firm of UBA, we have developed many tools to assist with meeting those requirements.

Swartzbaugh-Farber completes a thorough compliance analysis on all of our clients to ensure they effectively anticipate and manage emerging regulatory issues and reduce the risk of financial damages. We have several checklists of documents, filings, and notifications required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) on an annual basis.

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